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Discover Your Path to Prosperity

At PDA Africa, we understand that each investment decision is a significant step towards securing your financial future abroad.

PDA Africa

Your trusted partner in lucrative investments abroad.

A leading investment company

Our team of expert advisors is here to guide you every step of the way. Whether you're a seasoned investor looking to expand your portfolio or a first-time buyer eager to dip your toes into the property market, we have the perfect investment opportunities tailored to your needs.

Our Services

Individuals and investors

Before you buy, we give you all the information you need to make the right decision, in all specialist areas involving your investment.


We provide all the services to help you in the decision of buying or renting the right property.


Tell us what you need. We have the answer.

We are specialists

Real Estate Market

We know the reality behind the visible. We know the context, the prices, and the trends. We know how to evaluate beyond what you are told.

Property Search

We go beyond the obvious. We leave nothing to chance. We research expertly and without wasting time.

Constructive Audits

Our engineers offer you a clear, objective, and real view of the physical condition of the property.

Technical Audits

Based on knowledge and experience, architects and other accredited technicians assess the regulatory compliance of all aspects of the property’s use, now and in the future.

Legality and Taxation

We design the strategy for your investment. We apply the strategy to the properties to be acquired. We do legal and fiscal audits of the properties you have chosen.


Does your property have legal problems, licensing problems, or disagreement situations?
We solve them. We face the complications and clarify all issues.

leverage the power of property

Take the first step towards a prosperous future. Schedule a consultation with one of our advisors today and let's discuss how you can leverage the power of risk averse investments.

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Topics Include:
Why Portugal, Tax implications for businesses, Exchange rates, Buying property in Portugal.

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